Moses Bliss Coining out the Covenant of a Forever Blissful Home

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Shoplife Music
Any vision needs plans, programming and pursuit with all determination to be accomplished.

Moses Bliss #ForeverBliss union began over the weekend and my heartfelt prayer is that the theme shall answer to its name in his blessed home in Jesus name.


Beyond the trends and glamour, I pondered on that wedding theme and it spoke a whole lot of things to me. Marriage is a visionary journey between two people, a male and a female human being, that must be consciously entered into with their eyes wide open.

Moses Bliss as a minister of God must have gotten the theme of a Forever Bliss from the throne of grace. Marriage is a Covenant and a great covenant instituted by God himself. 

I know Moses loves Marie very much and she too love him. What I saw beyond their love is their spirituality, and being of the same mind and judgement.

To have a Blissful marital life, you and your spouse must be "Perfectly Joined Together " in the same mind and judgement. Your spouse sense of judgement and the data in his or her heart must correlate with yours in all things and matter.


The book of First Corinthians, chapter 1 verse 10 make us to understand this; the Bible says 

Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be "Perfectly Joined Together" in the same mind and the same judgement.


This means the two lovers must be on the same page on all issues and matters of life. With this, there will be no contention and division of any sort. You may be asking how that can be possible when the two individuals comes from different family background, culture, upbringing and in the case of Moses and Marie, different countries.

This is where the Word of God comes in. The Word of God is more than able to renew and transform minds. Spirituality is the good foundation for a Blissful Home.

As a Christian that want to go into Marriage, know and understand that marriage is a Covenant and to have a Blissful marital life, the marriage must be between you and God and your spouse.

Moses Bliss is such a good example for us because Marie his wife already had a blossoming relationship with God. Both comes from different backgrounds but have a common ground in Christ Jesus.


I wish Moses Bliss and his wife a Forever Blissful Home. No division and contention will be so strong to separate you.


God bless you.

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