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#cslewis2025 #gospel #bibleverses 6 Habits You Must Quit to Hear God’s Voice Clearly | C.S. Lewis 2025

Are you struggling to hear God’s voice in your life? In this video, we explore the 6 Habits You Must Quit to Hear God’s Voice Clearly, inspired by the profound teachings of C.S. Lewis. Discover how these detrimental habits create barriers between you and divine guidance and learn practical steps to overcome them. By letting go of distractions, fear, and spiritual stagnation, you can embrace a deeper relationship with God and unlock the clarity you seek. Whether you’re searching for peace, purpose, or spiritual renewal, this video is your guide to transforming your life and reconnecting with God’s will. Start your journey today by breaking free from these habits and opening your heart to His wisdom.

👨🏼‍🎓 About our Speakers 👨🏼‍🎓
C. S. Lewis is one of the most famous writers of the 20th century, known for his creative talent, writing across various genres from novels, fantasy works to religious literature. Each of our video delves into Lewis's rich theological perspectives, drawing from his vast body of work including "Mere Christianity," "The Screwtape Letters," and "The Problem of Pain." We explore how his faith shaped his understanding of Christianity and how his literary expertise allowed him to communicate complex spiritual concepts with clarity and imagination.

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Reason to Watch
This video is perfect for anyone who wants to strengthen their spiritual connection, hear God’s voice with clarity, and gain insights from the timeless wisdom of C.S. Lewis. Whether you're feeling distant from God or simply desire a deeper understanding of how to align your actions with His will, this video provides the practical tools and spiritual encouragement you need to transform your relationship with God.

How to hear God’s voice clearly
Habits to quit for spiritual clarity
C.S. Lewis spiritual teachings
Breaking bad habits to connect with God
Biblical guidance on hearing God’s voice
Spiritual transformation and clarity
Practical steps to hear God better
How distractions block God’s voice
C.S. Lewis advice for spiritual growth
How to deepen your relationship with God

#heargodsvoice #cslewiswisdom #spiritualclarity #christianfaith #breakbadhabits #spiritualgrowth #connectwithgod #divineguidance #faithjourney #biblicalteachings #christianmotivation #spiritualrenewal #faithandwisdom