One is too Small a Number as a Youthful Leader to Achieve Greatness

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Dayo Olasunkanmi Foundation
To achieve greatness, live as if you will never die. You know for sure that death and tax is inevitable.

If greatness is your objective, then assembling a team is surely a must priority. No one can achive greatness on its own. Getting from the bottom of struggles to the hieght of significance and impactful living requires you possess some qualities. The mighty ocean came from droplets of waters, forming different bodies of waters, all running into the seas and seperating themselves back to their sources.

The qoute that forms our subject matter is coined from the conclusion of a book by renowed leadership expert and author John C. Maxwell in his book "The 17 Essentail Qualities of a Team Player." John Maxwell uses life stories and illustration to make this small piece come alive. It will be a good read for you.

To build something great requires a lot. A lot of planning, strategies, diligence and tenacity. Greatness don't just fall on people's laps. All great leaders and heroes past built great team that do most wonderful and iconic events and things that shaped our world. There is no great company without a united companions working together to crush any challenges lined up on the path to the fulfilment of their vision.


What are the things needed for you to achive greatness;


  1. Vision

A youthful leader that want to become a renowned great leader tomorrow must catch a vision of his or her destination. Without vision, there is no restrain and the syndrome of "anywhere belle face" is inevitable. Great ministries, corporations and even Nations were birthed out of seemingly ordinary moment of vision catching and running with it. While the leader catch a vision, he or she must assemble a team that will become partners in seeing  to the reality of the vision.

  1. Determined and Tenacious spirit

Achieving greatness is an uphill task. Building determination with a tenacious fighting spirit is a must. Sometimes, your ideals may be in sharp contrast with the rulers of the age which you live, you will need courageous and tenacious spirit to bring it to life. Being tenacious is bringing 100 percent of your whole self to the table.Your team must be instilled with this quality too.

  1. Dedication with hardwork

Being dedicated to your vision and working hard at it is so important. When you catch a vision, you must run with it. However, for years, your vision might look like it will not fly. You must nonetheless be diligently dedicated to it. It's not the same day you plant corn you will see its leave on the surface of the earth. The corn seed must first have to die for life to surge unto the surface. You must be dedicated to building the best team that beleives in the vision and see the destination, no matter the road blocks and challenges on the way.

  1. Correct Attitude

An emerging leader must not just possess the right vision, he or she must also possess the right mindset. A lot of companies started fleeing from a troubled economies while other are coming into the same economies to make fortunes. The land you are is not the problem, your mindset and how you are your team is thinking can be the saving grace for your vision in times of turbulence. The right mindset propells you to take the exact action that is needed at these tough times. One of the greatest Apostle of our Lord Jesus Christ, Paul was traveling in the company of some people on teir voyage to Rome when there was a turbulence that spinned their ship for 14 days. On the 14th day after Paul saw a vision, he encouraged others to cheer up even when everything still looks turmoilt and devastating. Our attitude stems from our beleives and if you beleive that your vision is authentic, you will follow it through with dogged cheerfulness, even in the midst of great troubles.

  1. Sacrifice

Bishop David Oyedepo says and I qouted that "there is no star without a scar and the scar of every star is sacrifice. While tenacity is giving your 100 per cent, sacrifice on the other hand is going beyond your best to achieve a given task. As tenacity don't accept giving up, sacrifice will keep you going against all odds.


A youthful leader that lives a mission conscious life will become great, it's not a matter of fate or luck. He must intentionally build a team that work at the vision, plan with correct mindset, be dedicated, determined and be sacrificial to get to their intended destination.

You can add more qualities of a youthful leader to greatness by leaving your opinions in the comment section below

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